Apple Pie Cookies


Apple Pie Cookies / Eggless Cookies With Cinnamon Apple Filling

Chewy gooey ‘Apple Pie Cookies’ are the perfect answer to satisfy the sweet tooth without making you go on a guilt trip.

These eggfree cinnamony apple pie cookies are bite sized treats perfect for a cold winter evening. Crunchy on the outside with moist and chewy center.

Warm Apple pies make perfect desserts on a cold winter evening . A fridge full of apples, a cold gust of wind and the love for baking is reason enough to bake these delicious cookies. I love the fact that these taste a lot like an apple pie but are so darn easy to make. Plus being  bite sized, these beauties look super attractive too.

These apple pie cookies are eggfree, all purpose flour free and made without any baking powder or soda. A combination of healthy flours and unrefined cane sugar makes this an almost guilt-free treat. These look lovely on a dessert table, make perfect Christmas treats and are a must try during the winters.

Go on and have a look at how easy they are to make-


Prep Time            15 minutes

Cook Time           15 minutes

Passive Time       1/2 hour

Servings               15 cookies


For the Filling

2 Apples peeled, cored and chopped into 1/2 inch cubes

1 tsp butter

1/2 tsp Cinnamon powder

3 tsps cane sugar

For the cookie dough

1/4 cup butter

1/2 cup cane sugar

1/4 cup Almond meal

3/4 cup whole wheat flour

1 tsp cream

1 tsp vanilla extract


For The Filling

  1. In a non- stick pan melt the butter and throw in the remaining ingredients of the filling.
  2. Cover with a lid and cook over low heat until the apples get sticky, brown and caramelized. [Stir occasionally]
  3. Open cook for another minute stirring continuously.
  4. Turn off the heat and set aside to cool down.

For The Cookie Dough

  1. Melt the butter in a non-stick pan and mix in the sugar and vanilla extract.
  2. Remove from the heat and mix in the flours with a wooden ladle.
  3. Add a little cream to bring the dough together.
  4. Wrap the warm dough in a cling wrap and allow to rest for about half an hour.

Shaping and Baking The Cookies

  1. Pre heat the oven at 180 C for 10 minutes.
  2. Line a cookie tray with parchment paper.
  3. Roll out half the portion of the cookie dough between two sheets of parchment and use a cookie cutter to cut out the base of our apple pie cookies.
  4. Spoon some filling onto the center leaving a gap around the edges.
  5. Use the remaining dough to make patterns on top [ I simply made long snaky cylinders and stuck them one over the other but I am sure you could get really creative with this] .
  6. Repeat the same with the remaining dough.
  7. Place the shaped apple pie cookies in the prepared baking tray and bake at 160 C for 12-14 minutes or until the lower edges start to brown.
  8. Leave the cookies in the oven for another 2-3 minutes before transferring them to a wire rack for cooling.
  9. Allow to cool completely before devouring them .


  • The apple filling should have a thick jammy consistency. Cook until all the liquid evaporates.
  • Take care while stirring the filling to avoid mashing up all the apple. The chunky bits definitely make yummier cookies.
  • Allow the filling to cool completely before using it to fill the cookies.
  • The apple pie filling may be stored refrigerated in an air tight jar for around a week to ten days.
  • Heat the butter just until it melts and the sugar mixes well. Over heating would result in a lumpy sort of dough.
  • Allowing the dough to rest is important for the cookie texture to be perfect.
  • Hope you enjoyed this recipe. Do let me know if you happen to try it.

Happy baking

Posted originally on on JANUARY 29, 2017


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