Oats and Flaxseed Cookies


Oats and Flax-seed Cookies

Healthy Oats and Flax-Seed cookies : to snack on during those mid meal hunger pangs. These crunchy nutty cookies are wholesome and totally yum

How many of you love snacking during the day?? Even after that heavy lunch we feel like munching on something with our evening tea. Here’s a perfectly healthy snack to reach out for, during those hunger pangs!

Flax-seeds are an excellent source of Omega -3 fatty acids. It does have a distinct ‘nutty’ taste which a lot of people aren’t too fond of. They work really well in these cookies since the nutty flavour gets masked by other ingredients and is quite subtle.

The oats add a definite crunch to the cookie, that I particularly enjoy.


Servings               15 cookies


1 cup oats

2 tbsps Flax seeds

1 cup whole wheat flour

1/2 cup unsalted butter [ soft but not melted]

3/4 cup sugar [powdered]

1 tsp vanilla essence [optional]


  1. Powder the oats and the flaxseeds together .
  2. Sift the whole wheat flour and the powdered flax seed and oats until well combined.
  3. In a large flat plate/ thali cream the butter and sugar together until it turns light and fluffy. This roughly takes about 10 mins.
  4. Add the vanilla essence and mix well.
  5. Add the sifted flour and bring into a soft dough.
  6. Pre heat the oven at 160C for 10 mins.
  7. Shape the cookies either free-hand or by rolling out and cutting with a cookie cutter.
  8. Arrange on a parchment lined cookie tray.
  9. Bake at 160 C for 10 mins [ or until the edges start to turn lightly brown]
  10. Remove from the oven, cool completely and store in an air tight jar.


  • Oven temperature and time may vary. I usually keep a torch handy to check on my cookies from outside. Your cookies are done once the edges start to change color.
  • Hot cookies are soft and will crumble. They will become crunchy once completely cool.
  • In case the dough is too soft you can either refrigerate it for 10- 15 mins or add a little more wheat flour to get the right consistency.
  • If the dough seems too dry, add a tsp of milk to bring the dough together.
  • Vanilla essence is optional. I used it to reduce the nutty flavour of the flax seeds.

Posted originally on NOVEMBER 17, 2015


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