Whole Wheat Chocofills | Fudgy Chocolate Filled Cookies


Whole Wheat Chocofills

Close your eyes and imagine biting into an ordinary looking cookie and finding your mouth filled with fudgy chocolate. Heavenly isn’t it??

My 8 year old had been requesting for a ‘dark fantasy’ kind of cookie and this is what I came up with. You might sometimes wonder what to do with left over condensed milk  or the last few of spoons of cocoa powder in the carton. Well here you go, follow these simple steps and make these mouth- watering cookies.


Whole Wheat Chocofills- Fudgy chocolate filled cookies.

Servings     15 cookies


2 cups whole wheat flour

1 cup unsalted butter

1 cup Powdered Sugar

3 tbsps Cocoa powder

1 tbsp Salted butter

2 to 3 tbsps Condensed milk


  1. Combine cocoa powder, salted butter and condensed milk together. Refrigerate for 15 mins.
  2. Make marble sized balls of this mix for the filling and refrigerate until required.
  3. Cream the unsalted butter and sugar together until it turns light and fluffy. [ Procedure-In a large plate take the butter and sugar. Using the back of your palm, press/ flatten down the mixture and mix in a circular motion. This takes about 10-15 mins]
  4. Add the whole wheat flour and bring into a soft dough.
  5. Make lemon sized balls of the cookie dough.
  6. Flatten each between your palms and place the chocolate filling prepared in step 2 in the center.
  7. Seal from all the sides, similar to how we prepare stuffed parathas or dumplings.
  8. Press it down to get a flat base and refrigerate for 10 mins
  9. Pre heat the oven at 180 C for 10 mins.
  10. Arrange the cookies on a parchment lined baking tray.
  11. Bake at 150 C for 10-12 mins or until the edges start to turn light brown.
  12. Allow to cool completely and store in an air tight container.


  • The mix of cocoa powder , condensed milk and butter might feel a little sticky to start with but after refrigeration it becomes easy to shape it . Add the condensed milk one spoon at a time and bring it all together.
  • Oven temperature and time may vary. Your cookie is done once the lower edges start to brown.
  • You can also use drinking chocolate powder in place of cocoa powder.

Happy Baking

Posted originally on NOVEMBER 23, 2015


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